Bamboo sawing

- 竹挽き -

Soak the bamboo in water

- 管を水に漬ける -

Splitting bamboo for selection

- 木取り -

Removing protrusions

- ふしはだけ -

Make fine cuts

- 割き -


- もみ -

Making a hole

- 穴あけ -

Making a frame

- 鎌削り -

Carve the handle part

- 柄削り -


- 編み -

Shape it into a fan

- 付け -

Stack the fans into a bundle

– 束 –

Apply adhesive

– 糊付け –

Attach the paper to the fan

– 貼り -


– 干し –

Trim with sandpaper

– あご切り –

Trim with Specialized sickle

- たたき -

Cover the edge with paper

- へり取り/ みみ貼り/ ぎぼし貼り –

Finish by rolling

– 筋入れ -