Kagawa Prefecture, located on the island of Shikoku in Japan, is a region rich in natural beauty and historical significance, attracting countless visitors each year. Kagawa is connected to Okayama Prefecture by the majestic Seto Ohashi Bridge, a remarkable feat of engineering that also serves as a popular tourist attraction.
One of the most fascinating natural phenomena in the region is the whirlpools of the Seto Inland Sea, which have become one of Japan’s most iconic tourist destinations. These whirlpools, created by the powerful tides passing through narrow straits, are a breathtaking display of nature’s force, leaving a lasting impression on those who witness them.
Inspired by these awe-inspiring whirlpools, we have created a Marugame Uchiwa of “Guruguru.” version. The word “Guruguru” is a Japanese term that describes a swirling or spiraling motion, and our product beautifully captures this essence with its design, where salt swirls toward the center, mimicking the natural movement of the whirlpools. It’s a unique item that embodies the energy and beauty of this natural phenomenon.
If you have the opportunity to visit Japan, we highly recommend taking a cruise tour of the Seto Inland Sea to experience these whirlpools up close. The sheer power and magnificence of the whirlpools will be an unforgettable highlight of your trip, adding an exciting and memorable element to your Japanese adventure.
Additionally, while in Kagawa, be sure to visit the Marugame Uchiwa Museum, where you can explore the art of traditional Japanese fan-making. The museum offers a glimpse into the intricate craftsmanship that goes into creating these beautiful fans, allowing you to appreciate the depth of Japan’s cultural heritage.
A trip to Kagawa Prefecture is a unique opportunity to experience Japan’s natural wonders, cultural richness, and traditional craftsmanship all in one. We look forward to welcoming you and making your visit an unforgettable experience.